Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm really not good at remembering to write on this thing. Today, I've been thinking so much about Dane's mom, Bebe. She passed away about 4 years ago, and I still miss her dearly. I just finished reading a paper written by a 7th Grader, in rememberance of Bebe. It was written by her neice, Emily. It was absolutely beautiful, Bebe would be so proud. It's been so hard without her here to share all of our joys with us. Tripp would absolutely adore her, and it makes me so sad that he won't know the amazing woman she was. "The epitome of a Southern lady" is the best way to describe her. Bebe, I love you and miss you dearly every single day! You raised an amazing son, who I love with my entire being....Thank you!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Long time-no write

well, it's been a while since I last wrote, but I'm back. Things have just been really busy lately. Dane and I went to the Georgia game in Fayetteville, which was fun despite the loss. I went to see the DMB concert with some friends on Tuesday, which was so much fun. I'm going to Fayetteville next weekend for a girl's weekend. I can't wait to hang out with all my girls! The weather has been great!!! I just love the fall. There is nothing like the weather, the football, and all the fun festivities. Tripp is going to be a duck for halloween. It should be real cute! I've been working a lot lately, and I'm fighting a bad cold right now too. That's about all to report. When I've got something exciting, I'll let ya know :)